TikTok/Instagram Trend Scraper

Viral Trend Analysis Tool

A sophisticated tool that scrapes and ranks TikTok and Instagram videos by virality, offering unparalleled insights for content creators and marketers.

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The project involved developing an advanced scraping algorithm capable of sifting through thousands of TikTok and Instagram videos to determine their virality scores.

This bespoke solution not only tracks view counts but also analyzes an account's typical engagement to rank content more accurately.

By offering datasets spanning from 1 to 30 days, it enables users to catch emerging trends early or confirm their endurance over time, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to leverage social media dynamics to their advantage.

This data can also automatically be exported to discord channels or telegram channels so it can be resold or forwarded on to specific people easily, for any niche that exists.

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Client Say

After integrating Olis Media's TikTok/Instagram trend scraper into our social media strategy, we've seen a transformative change in our engagement metrics. Initially, we struggled to pinpoint the kind of content that resonated with our audience, often feeling like we were just throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. But with the trend scraper's ability to identify and rank viral content within our niche, we were able to adapt our content strategy with precision. In just a few months, our view count skyrocketed, which wasn't just a vanity metric; it translated into significantly higher conversions and sales. For the first time, our content strategy felt backed by solid data and insights, allowing us to create more of what our audience loves and less of what they scroll past. The difference has been night and day – our engagement rates have doubled, and our sales have seen a consistent uptick. We're not just participating in trends now; we're setting them. Huge thanks to the Olis Media team for revolutionizing how we approach social media.

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Olis Media LTD



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